Some of the friends we made at the Global Coworking Unconference Conference in Austin have published this great video about how coworking improves the way we work.
Conectedness is one of the main differentiators among a coworking space and cafes or traditional business centers. The individuals that come cowork are looking for that connection, not just for a chair and a table. We are looking for exchanges with other people to be inspired, to share our knowledge, to help and be helped, to see other people daily and keep our brains alive through human interaction. These are mainly professional environments, but personal connections are also developed among the coworkers, just like they would if they were working in different departments of the same company (without the politics.)
The accelerated serendipity that takes place in our coworking space in Brussels is due in great part to that conectedness. What is accelerated serendipity? the improved casual discovery of interesting projects, jobs, ideas, trends  and people that happen when a group of people are eagerly looking for it and which is being fueled by some of them. In our case it is part of our job to be connectors and to create the oportunities, but a lot of our members are actively doing so themselves and making their lives and our own much better. They understand that zero sum economies- where in order for one to win another one has to loose- are a thing of the past. Through collaboration both can win and improve the situation for others (yes there are collateral benefits). Thank you betacowokers!
We are really lucky to have a great working environment, and I’m talking about the vibe and the relationships, not about the physical space. The ambient here feels magic, but it is not: it is a reality created and grown by the interactions of each person that works here. Some have found associates for their companies, colleagues for projects, clients, mentors, and investors. Some have found friends and even love. All of us have found a great place to work and to grow professionally and personnally.
Thanks to Turnstone,  Emergent Research, Link Coworking, Mojo Solo and Coco Coworking for this great video!