Jeroen & François are quantitative financial experts and happy coworkers. They are currently working on a company called VAR Strategies.
They answered our questions about the reasons why they decided to collaborate and why they choose coworking.
Both of them are satisfied with coworking at Betacowork because they could find a lot of people with technical skills with whom to create synergies on jeroen and francoisdifferent projects. They also like enjoying the regular gathering events, especially the Friday’s #betacooks: those events give the opportunity to get in touch with other people and to share experiences and advices. Last but not least, for Jeroen and François Betacowork’s location is pretty good for their business.
If you want to know more about our members, check out the highlighted profiles in the Member of the Week series and also head to our members page, where you can even contact the coworkers via the social media of their choice.
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