
Patrick Nollet, founder at Cleverphone, is an engineer with many years of experience in the telecommunication sector. He decided to launch his own start-up about 3 years ago, when he realized that his idea could meet a high demand.

He was inspired by a personal need: he did not want to share his personal phone number while organizing apartment visits. Nowadays, with so many people operating in the internet, protecting customer privacy has become a primary need.
Cleverphone provides temporary and virtual phone numbers, allowing to manage incoming calls in a very flexible way (for example you can transfer calls to your personal number, deciding what calls you intend to take and when.) If you ever need a temporary phone number, or a flexible phone number for your startup, you can go visit their website and activate it in a few clicks.
Cleverphone is currently working on its next product, call analytics: a tool to measure and analyze the performance of your advertisement, by placing different phone numbers on media.
For any question related to telecom, drop him a mail:

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