projectworks Website

Yamina is a researcher, project manager and the co-founder of ProjectWorks, an association dedicated to build the capacity of people and organizations, from the public, private and third sectors, to participate and benefit more effectively from a European level. For instance, she is currently providing expertise to his clients in order to fight against youth unemployment, by organizing training workshops with speakers specialized in the field.
She is a skilled communicator, because the main part of their job is to be in contact with customers throughout Europe and to know how to deal with them. In a market with lots of competitors, especially in Brussels, the key to the success of ProjectWorks has been to specialize in a market niche, offering them high quality work.
As a researcher, Yamina is the author of many articles such as “Inclusion through employability: youth work approaches to unemployment”, “Addressing overqualification of skilled immigrants in the European Union: Situations and Approaches from the Local Level” and she is the project author of “REALISE: Making the most of our human capital city by 2020” all in relation to youth unemployment and social exclusion.
Yamina met Betacowork by chance when she was looking for an affordable office to rent. For her the value of this space are the many interactions and collaborations that arise by chance. In fact, she is amazed by the people because they are willing to help whenever anyone asks.
Do you want to know more about our members? Check out our highlighted profiles in the Member of the Week series and also head to our members page, where you can even contact the coworkers via the social media of their choice.