olivier betacoworkBetacowork attracts web entrepreneurs and startups, as well as food lovers!
Olivier Van Hamme has chosen Betacowork to test his new concept, the “Rainbow lunch“, a crowdsourced lunch where the participants choose a recipe, cook and eat together. They share the expenses by selecting one or more ingredients from the online shared recipe. Recipes are all healthy and nourishing, free of refined sugar, gluten and grain. Coworkers seem to have appreciated the concept, after all we are always ready to welcome new food events 🙂
Olivier is a product and furniture designer and he is learning to code, in order to build his own application, now at an early stage of development. We will keep you updated!
In the meantime, you can book your spot for the next Wednesday Rainbow lunch with your coworkers and get to know them in a different way.

Do you want to know more about our members? Check out our highlighted profiles in the Member of the Week series and also head to our members page, where you can even contact the coworkers via the social media of their choice.