This is truly a special week for me. There are a lot of good things happening and one of them is that the works on members’s finish sauna have just started 🙂

As you may know, we had humidity problems with the shower so Marnix decided to start the works. We got to talk to see if we could use the space any better and decided to follow a logical line of reasoning: working space + playroom + siesta room +… We needed a sauna!
Given the unbalanced gender nature of our space this is going to be mainly a manly sauna: male members will have access 80% of the time, female members 10% and another 10% for those that do not care about genders.
We will addapt the time allocations to the evolution of our coworking space and always bearing in mind the physical and psycological confort of our members.
The enclosure is already up (you can see part of it in the picture) and we should begin testing on Monday (no need for volunteers, both Jeans, Marnix Barbara and I, will sacrify ourselves for your comfort.)
We will throw a big sauna party next Friday. Who’s first?