2What if I told you that for each minute you spend writing a blog post, you have to spend another one writing your headline? This may sound far off, but that’s how copywriting legends like David Ogilvy did it — it’s called the 50/50 rule of headlines. Reportedly, Ogilvy rewrote the headline for one of his campaigns more than two hundred times. But why, you may ask, all this effort?
Well, according to reliable sources in Statisticsland, 8 out of 10 people landing on a page will read the headline. However, only 2 out of 10 will read the post itself. That’s a lot of responsibility lying on that headline. And that’s why the single purpose of a headline is to push you across the statistical gap and get you to read that first sentence. So, to recap, (1) headlines and (2) first sentences are two crucial elements of what make posts attractive. There’s two more: (3) the use of emotional appeals and the (4) use of visuals, respectively.
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In this two-hours and a half workshop we’ll go through these four elements one by one. Bring a full pen or a sharpened pencil! We’ll learn:

  • How to write magnetic headlines;
  • How to write a gripping first sentence;
  • How to use emotional appeals in your text;
  • How to create great visuals without being a designer by using the Canva online graphics tool (online demo).

Free workshop by Ciprian Begu, Trainer @ Digital Nomads Workshop, Communication Consultant and Copywriter.

When and Where?

Wednesday, June 24 from 6:30PM to 9PM, at Betacowork Coworking Brussels. (Plane 2)