Products are designed to use. With the user in mind. Just think of the chair you’re sitting on or the iPhone you’re calling with. Many services aren’t. They are more often designed from a delivering point of view. To create better services, you need to consider the interactions between you and your customers. You need to know the expectations. The averages, but also the extremes.

What you will learn?

In this workshop, we dive into the available techniques and processes to co-create your service together with your customers and all the other stakeholders. We go through the process:

  • Frame
  • Explore;
  • Design and implement using software development techniques such as agile and iteration.

It’s a hands-on workshop in which you will learn the theory, but most off all experience what the service design or design thinking techniques can mean for the development of your own services.
You will learn how to co-create best performing services, together with your customers. You will learn how to do that in an iterative and agile way. That reduces your time to market with an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) and enables you to improve the quality of your service, ongoing.

When and Where?

Tuesday 13th of June at 4PM in Plane 1 (in the submarine!) at Betacowork/ICAB Business and Technology Incubator.


Who are the speakers?

Olivier Caeymaex is a digital thinker and Agile doer (and the other way round). Changing the world, one organisation at a time. He facilitates the digital empowerment of your staff and the sociocratic mutation of your company through guidance and coaching of your digital projects . He is also a speaker & author.
Jan Van Caneghem is a service designer with over 20 years of experience in design and about 7 years experience in service design, with a focus on online services and applications.
With Campaigndock he has developed a marketing automation platform and used his knowledge on that matter for organizations such as The Reference and Cronos and as a lector at Odisee.